Thursday, March 1, 2007
Steroids Prohibited from Competition

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recently announced the 2006 Prohibited List, which will go into effect on January 1, 2006. Below are some of the key changes that may affect you directly. For the complete list, please go to
Substances and Methods Prohibited at All Times (In- and Out-of Competition)

Anabolic Agents
1. Anabolic androgenic steroids
a. ExogenousDesoxymethyltestosterone (designer steroid), methasterone, prostanozol and methyl-1-testosterone are added to the list of examples.
b. EndogenousAs described in the Explanatory Note of the 2005 List, that an Adverse Analytical Finding for 19-norandrosterone reported by a laboratory is sufficient proof and does not require further follow-up tests.


Clarifies that drosperinone, a progestative with mild diuretic properties, is not prohibited (as indicated in the Explanatory Note of the 2005 Prohibited List).
Substances and Methods Prohibited In-Competition


Adrenaline, which previously was exemplified in a footnote only, is now clearly named in the list of stimulants.
Some stimulants considered prohibited but not previously listed as examples in the 2004 and 2005 List, are re-introduced to the list of examples for clarification. Therefore, cropropamide, crotetamide, etamivan, heptaminol, isometheptene, and the isomers of methylamphetamine (levmethamfetamine, methamphetamine (D-), p- methamphetamine, ortetamine, phenpromethamine, propylhexedrine) are re-introduced as examples.
New examples of stimulants are added based on chemical structure or biological effect(s): cyclazodone, fenbutrazate, meclofenoxate, norfenefrine, octopamine, oxilofrine, pentetrazol, sibutramine.


Topical preparations, to treat aural/otic, nasal, buccal cavity and ophthalmic ailments, no longer require a Therapeutic Use Exemption due to a wide medical use and the absence of doping potential for these routes of administration.

posted by iblaze06 @ 12:10 PM  
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