Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Justin Gatlin: Facing Lifetime Ban

As of July 30th, 2006, last year, Justin Gatilin was tested for steroids or its counterparts after he won the 100 meter dash at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. He was tested posivitve for testosterone. His coach thinks that the positive testing was because of sabatoge to his reputation. I think that World Anti-Doping Agency was just jealous of who is and the reputation that he brings along when he is on the track. The World Anti-Doping Agency tried to get Gatlin a "life time ban" because of the test. "Gatlin's coach, Trevor Graham, told The Washington Post on Sunday that the Olympic and world champion and co-world-record holder in the 100 meters was the victim of a setup by a massage therapist.Graham told the newspaper for a story posted on its Web that the massage therapist rubbed a testosterone cream on Gatlin without the sprinter's knowledge. " Trevor Graham and Gatlin knows who it is but don't want to jeopardize the case.

We as sport fans and mostly track and field athletes, that Justin Gatlin will never do anything stupid to ruin his career in any way possible. The one thing that might be on hand to question hie Justin's coach. He is known to be dealt with BALCO and the on going investigation that is going with it. He has been known to coach several elite athletes, but when they were tested they were all tested positive for steroids.

It is said that Justin is proven guilty in the case, he will be stripped of his world record and a banning for life.Gatlin's case next goes in front of a review panel. If the positive test is upheld, Gatlin could then take the case to arbitration, which could be his best chance to prove he was sabotaged, if that's the course he pursues.The International Association of Athletics Federation said in a statement Sunday that Gatlin will be suspended for life if his positive drug tests both his `A' and `B' samples came back positive are confirmed. Gatlin was suspended for two years in 2001 after testing for illegal substances, the result of taking medication to control attention deficit disorder.

You want to know what I think, I think that he is not guitly. I think that he was framed because of who he is. I think that his coach had paid off the therapist to put the testosterone cream on him. If he is found guilty, then the USATF will be missing a picece to there team when it comes to competition. A lot of kids look up to him, not as only as an athlete, but also as someone that they can relate to. I know I can relate to him because he grew up in the best city of all BROOKLYN!!!
posted by iblaze06 @ 8:30 AM  
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