Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Anabolic Steroid Control Act

This post is about the Case that was on March 16, 2004 about trying to control the intake of steroids by athletes and all other people taking them.
Take a look at it, but it is kind of long because it tells you about the whole case and why it was brought up as a case to being with.

When the House of Representatives passed this act, it put all controlled substances such as steroids under the Controlled Substance Act. They wanted to do this because the House wanted to make aware the dangers of andro. It was passed to it can protect athletes, children, and adolescents. "The bill would make a list of steroid precursors, including androstenedione, controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act. When metabolized in the body, a steroid precursor produces testosterone. Such legislation would enable the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to regulate these types of products as anabolic steroids under the Controlled Substances Act."

The Controlled Substance Act of 1970 was passed to limit and control the access to drugs that get you "high" and now it is also used to control the limit of use anabolic steroids for athletes trying to get more muscle mass. The DEA, Drug Enforcemnet Administration, makes the choice of which drug is controlled or not. Some perscriptions can be or not, but it is up to the DEA. In 1970, the Controlled Substance Act replaced the Harrison Narcotic Act. If found guilty with a controlled susbstance the prison sentences are harsher then they were before. This act uses 5 mojor categories for controlled substances rather than 3 that was used before.

To me in this thought of mind about the different acts that were passed to control different substances, I think that there should be more strict acts that can limit the contril that therapists and trainers have on these substances. Professional athlets are jsut cheating themselves and cheating their bodies.
posted by iblaze06 @ 7:28 AM  
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