Friday, May 4, 2007
Florida Doing Something About Steroids

In recent years, steroids have become a major issue in the world of sports. And high school sports are now following the trend set by their professional counterparts.

High school athletes in the Sunshine State could soon be having random steroid tests after the Florida Senate unanimously voted to pass a random testing program for high school athletics. The legislation will next be sent to Governor Charlie Crist -- who has expressed his support for testing in the past -- for approval.

While this isn't a law yet, it's a move in the right direction. But will other states follow Florida's lead? And do you think testing high school athletes for steroids is really necessary?

If you're a parent, would you show support such a move in your state? In Florida, the state will fund $100,000 toward the efforts, but would you still be in favor of such a measure if student fees were increased to help fund the operation?

And if you're an athlete, are you in favor of your team being tested for steroids? Or do you think it's not a big issue at the high school level?

posted by iblaze06 @ 8:50 PM  
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